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Sunday, April 13, 2014

My Wife is a Sex Manic

I got married in
December last year to
a lady my friend
introduced me to. She
was so much in a
hurry to get married
that we did within
four months of our
Even the friend who
introduced us was
surprised at the speed
everything was going
that he had to call for
caution on my part.
Sincerely, till date, I
can say specifically
how and when I
agreed to many of the
things that happened.
But here we are,
married! Less than
four weeks into the
marriage, I
discovered I had been
duped by her, the
reason she didn’t
allow me come near
her in the four
months we dated. She
used the religious
card of not wanting
to taint her wedding
Agatha, on the night
of our wedding, I
discovered everything
about her to be fake;
from her boobs to her
bums, were artificial.
She achieved her
figure through well
padded pants and
bras. Since I was
already in it, there
was little I could do
about that but I also
made a very fatal
discovery; no man
can satisfy her in bed
hence she goes
everywhere with a
vibrator she inserts
into her person once I
She will be on it for
another hour
screaming obstinacies
and behaving like a
demented person.
Sometimes, she would
bring out a second
vibrator which she
would insert into her
backside. At that
point she becomes
extremely wild. The
first time it happened,
I was too shocked to
move from my
position. After the
whole thing, I
explanations from
her especially as she
claimed to be a
worker in her church,
a reason she didn’t
allow me to come
near her.
I didn’t know the
drama was just
beginning as there is
this sister in her
church who is
especially close to
her. She was actually
her bride’s maid.
Candidly, I don’t
know how it
happened but there is
this camera my sister
gave to me as our
wedding present. It
was too complex for
me to decode so I left
it after trying
unsuccessfully to
operate it on one of
the shelves in the
Last week, I decided
to take it with me to
the friend who
introduced us to
teach me how to
operate since he is
very good with
cameras and things
like that.
Can you imagine
Agatha, what we
saw? Unknown to me,
the camera was on,
recording everything
we did in the
bedroom. It captured
our every moment
and much more than
I would have
imagined. My wife
and her so called
church sister making
love and all the things
they said about me as
well as the places
they usually go for
charms and jobs.
All the time I thought
she was going out to
work, they were
actually at top clubs
dancing nude for
select clients.
From their
conversations, I
deduced she used
charms on me.
I haven’t gone home
since then. I don’t
want anything to do
with her and want the
marriage annulled.
There is no way I can
ever go near such
woman but given the
kinds of things she
has been saying to me
on the phone, I’m
getting scared as she
keeps threatening to
deal with me if I ever
consider leaving her.
It is as if she knows
my every movement.
How do I get out of
this situation?

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