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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Men named David...Daniel ... Andrew make the best husband

Does your name mean you are a
good husband or wife? Katie and David top the list of names most
associated with being a good spouse . A study claims to have found the names most associated with being a good spouse, with Katie and
David topping the list. Women called Katie, Sophie and Louise make the
best wives while the best husbands are men named
David, Andrew and Daniel, it has emerged. A light-hearted study of 2,000 adults looked at the
virtues associated with common first names based
on their experiences with their own partners as well
as those of friends, relatives and colleagues. Other names of wives who were most likely to be
kind, caring, and good partners overall were Sarah
and Emily. Women named Charlotte and Elizabeth were seen
as particularly desirable, and made the top list of
wives men appreciate most. Amy and Jessica also featured highly, while Lucy
rounded off the top ten. The research was commissioned by domain name
site Siteopia.com. A spokesman said: ''Every time we hear mention of
a name we naturally associate particular values or
impressions based on our past experiences. ''It seems certain names tend to crop up more than
others when thinking about the qualities of a good
husband or wife and the lists no doubt make
interesting reading to many. ''Of course, people shouldn't be judged on a name
alone, so while men like David and Andrew seem to
be top of the pile, they've still got to uphold that
reputation day to day.'' While John rounded off the top five husbands
women said make the best husband material. Other names girls should keep an eye out for were
William, Simon and James - all proving a good
catch. And Chris and Stephen completed the top 10 names
of the best husbands. Girls called Emma and Gemma just missed out on
the list of favourable names for men's better halves,
as did Ellie, Nicole and Grace. Men called Mark, Rob and Pete also narrowly
missed out on the list of the top 10 most reliable
husband names. The Siteopia.com spokesman added: ''Whether it's
through celebrities or people we already know,
there's a lot of power in a name and they are
something everyone has an opinion on. ''In both a personal and business context, whenever
we first hear a name we immediately attribute
certain qualities. ''If starting a business or website the same
consideration should always go toward choosing the
name and could be the difference between success
and failure.'' TOP 10 BEST WIVES 1.Katie 2.Sophie 3.Louise 4.Sarah 5.Emily 6.Charlotte 7.Elizabeth 8.Amy 9.Jessica 10.Lucy TOP 10 BEST HUSBANDS 1.David 2.Andrew 3.Daniel 4.Paul 5.John 6.William 7.Simon 8.James 9.Chris 10.Stephen

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