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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Teacher donates kidney to eight old pupil

Wendy Killian a teacher at Mansfield Christian School, Ohio, has vowed to donate one of her organs to eight year old Nicole, who she fondly refers to as her 'sunshine girl' kidney teacherNicole, pictured here with mother Letitia, has branchiootorenal syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects her hearing and kidneys Mrs Killian said she wanted to donate the kidney by way of thanks for the life saving blood platelet transfusion a mystery donor gave her own son William, now nine - pictured She said the little girl had touched her life. Mrs Killian, 39, told Fox 8: 'I would always call her my sunshine girl because her smile would always light up the whole classroom.' Nicole has branchiootorenal syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects her hearing and kidneys. More... The most popular girl in school: Sixth grader brings $20,000 to school in her backpack and starts handing it out to fellow students 'I want to tell you to hang in there buddy': Five-year-old kidney patient in Australia sends incredibly moving message of support to British boy, 5, desperately seeking transplant She was born with just one kidney, and that has been failing all of her life. The little girl's condition has worsened recently and she has missed around two weeks of school this year. Her parents stepped up their desperate search for a donor, but although 18 people volunteered after her father Brian started an internet campaign for his daughter, none were a match. The little girl said she is looking forward to eating her favourite food, tacos and drinking milk again Her parents - Brian and Letitia - said they were 'humbled' by the teacher's generosity and selflessness It was during a parent-teacher conference that Mrs Killian suggested to Nicole’s mother, Letitia, that she might be able to help. The parents said they were 'humbled' by the teacher's generosity and selflessness. Mrs Killian said she wanted to donate the kidney by way of thanks for the life saving blood platelet transfusion a mystery donor gave her own son William, now nine. She said at one point the outlook for her boy was bleak: 'The doctors couldn’t tell us yes or no.' She said she was 'nobody special' just a 'wife, a mummy and a teacher' She added that her thanks was being able to help Nicole and her parents: 'For me to be able to step in and ease off that burden off of another parent who was sitting bedside of their critically ill child, that I could be the one to step forward.'

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