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Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Explorers of old often viewed the lands they discovered as objects of conquest and exploitation, and today some men view women that way. They enjoy romantic relationships but do not want committing themselves, they try to charm women by playing on their feelings, most of them gain the affection of women through deception. "Just like someone mad that is shooting fiery missiles, arrows and death, so is the man that has tricked his fellowman and has said 'was I not having fun'?" (Proverbs 26:18, 19) Yes! They always have fun at the expense of the happiness of a fellow being, but there will be repercussions, now or later. When a man pursues a relationship with a woman for selfish reasons, she will eventually see through his motives. Then his deception could cut her to the heart. Often the fault is absolutely that of the women who whatever reason neglect all early warning signs, thinking the men will change. Some cannot differentiate between love and infatuation. Plain stupidity is also a huge problem.

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