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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Moishe the carpenter, returning home with his week's wages, was accosted by an robber on a deserted street. "Take my money," said Moishe, "but do me a favour: "shoot a bullet through my hat otherwise my wife won't believe I was robbed" The robber obliged. He threw Moishe's hat into the air and put a bullet through it. "Let's make it look as if I ran into a gang of robbers," said Moishe, "otherwise my wife will see me a coward! Please shoot a number of holes through my coat." So the robber shot a number of holes through the carpenter's coat. And now...." continued Moishe. "Sorry," interrupted the robber. No more holes. I'm out of bullets." "That's all I wanted!" said Moishe. "Now hand me back my money and some more for the hat and coat that you have ruined or I'll beat u black n blue" The robber threw down the money and ran away. Moral: it's never too late to use our brains to get out of a difficult situation!! - Wonderfulinfo

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