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Saturday, March 22, 2014

My wife dated my room mate

I met my wife while in
the university. I was in
my final year while she
was in her first year. She
used to visit my room at
the hostel which I was sharing with four other
male friends of mine.
One of these roommates
is a Cameroonian, I
graduated before them. Recently, I was chatting
on Facebook with my
Cameroonian friend
when I asked after his
ex-girlfriend who comes
from my state. To my surprise, he asked after
another roommate and
my girlfriend then who
unknown to him had
become my wife. When I asked why he
paired them as an item,
he didn’t want to go on
but when I pressed
further, he told me
about the relationship that developed between
this former roommate
and my woman after I
graduated. I believed
this story because this
friend in question once came to my office but
didn’t ask to see me. In
addition, despite coming
for a Police training
programme in the town
I live for six months, he didn’t for once bother to
visit me at home. Agatha, before leaving
the university, I told her
of my intentions to
marry her and even
begged her to visit me
where I was serving but she refused. Now, I
know the reason she
didn’t come. We now
have two boys and I’m
currently not in the
country. I have this feeling they may still be
seeing each other. I was so hurt by this
information that I cried
for days and couldn’t
concentrate on my
postgraduate studies. I
called her and asked why she did it and she
denied it. But I’m very
sure the information I
got is correct because
this male friend now
avoids me. When he sent a text informing me
about his wedding, I
showed the text to my
wife and she exclaimed,
“So it is this girl that he
is going to marry?” I was wondering then
how she knew the lady
he was going to marry
and why she felt so
jealous. Now I
understand why. I love her so much that I have
even bought a car for
her. But she betrayed
my trust and only God
knows what other things
she could be doing now that I’m not in the
country.  Apparently she can
sleep with my
neighbours or brothers
or colleague if she can
sleep with my friends.
I’m so hurt and currently considering how best to
handle this situation

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