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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Most cancers are preventable .... Here is how

The World Health Organization is sounding the alarm: cancer is rapidly becoming a
global pandemic. In its World Cancer report, the U.N. agency notes
the disease causes one in eight deaths worldwide.
It's estimated 14 million were diagnosed with
cancer in 2012 and 22 million will be diagnosed by
2032. The most commonly diagnosed cancers worldwide
are cancers of the lung, breast and colon. The
most common causes of cancer deaths worldwide
are lung, liver and stomach cancer. In certain
areas of Africa and Asia, cervical cancer is the
leading cause of death in women. What's behind the increase? Aging and growth of
the world population, as well as the spread of
cancer risk factors into low- and middle-income
nations. WHO: Imminent global cancer 'disaster' Those include use of tobacco, obesity, lack of
physical activity and poor diet. The report refers to
those as "an industrialized lifestyle;" they cause
about half the cancer deaths in the United States
and Western Europe. At the same time, cancer death rates have
declined by about 20% over the past 20 years in
the United States and Western Europe. This is
largely because of prevention activities, especially
a decrease in smoking. Tobacco use in low- and middle-income countries
is causing cancer death rates to increase. Other
cancer-causing habits common in the West, such
as nutritionally poor and high-calorie diets that
promote obesity, are increasing in low- and
middle-income countries as well. These countries also have inadequate medical
and public health infrastructures. In economically
developing countries, cancers are often diagnosed
at a late stage when eliminating the disease is no
longer possible. People often suffer because palliative care is
inadequate. Narcotics are not available for
palliative care in more than two dozen countries
and are difficult to get in many others. China, world's leading tobacco user, moves to ban
indoor public smoking The report emphasizes that governmental and
nongovernmental international organizations need
to be serious about cancer prevention activities in
low- and middle-income countries. The report also
illustrates that prevention efforts need to be re-
emphasized in developed countries such as the United States. But cancer doesn't have to be inevitable. There is
plenty you can do to lower your risk. Don't use tobacco products If you smoke, stop. It is never too late to quit.
There are health benefits within 24 hours of the
last cigarette. Stay trim without being underweight Avoid excess weight gain at all ages. For those
who are overweight or obese, losing even a small
amount of weight has health benefits and is a
good place to start. Limit intake of high-calorie foods and drinks as
keys to help maintain a healthy weight. Keep a
healthy diet, with an emphasis on plant foods. Choose foods and drinks in amounts that help you
get to and maintain a healthy weight. Limit how
much processed meat and red meat you eat. Eat
at least 2.5 cups of vegetables and fruits each
day. Choose whole grains instead of refined grain
products. If you drink alcohol, limit your intake -- no more
than one drink a day for women or two for men. Anti-smoking efforts have saved 8 million lives Get regular physical activity Adults: Get at least 150 minutes of moderate
intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity
activity each week (or a combination of these),
preferably spread throughout the week. Children and teens: Get at least one hour of
moderate or vigorous intensity activity each day,
with vigorous activity on at least three days each
week. Limit sedentary behavior such as sitting, lying
down, watching TV and other forms of screen-
based entertainment. Doing some physical activity
above usual activities, no matter what one's level
of activity, can have many health benefits. Get vaccinated Several of the leading causes of cancer are
caused by infections that can be controlled
through vaccination. The hepatitis B vaccine is
now a standard vaccine for children in the United
States and Europe; adults who have not been
vaccinated should consider it. The human papillomavirus vaccine is commonly
given to girls and prevents infection with the virus
that causes most cervical cancers. There is
increasing evidence it might prevent some head
and neck cancers, and some experts recommend
boys be vaccinated as well. Avoid unnecessary sun exposure Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants and wide-
brimmed hats when possible. Use sunblock when
sun exposure is absolutely necessary. This will
reduce your risk of melanoma and other skin
cancers. Those with the opportunity, living in areas where
it's available, should participate in screening for
certain cancers. Screening for cervical, breast and
colon cancer can save lives. Surgeon general links colon cancer, diabetes to

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