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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Where Two Ways Meet

Hello folks welcome to my blog. Most of you know me as Destiny, it has nothing to do with the fact that I like to take control of my life, which I like to do. Destiny actually is my given name. Others know me as Osaze meaning God’s choice. I guess someone was thinking at my christening ah!.  Anyway that’s enough about me for now.

It is Sunday morning our time and I mean morning as in 5.00am! pretty early wake up hour for a Sunday morning don’t you think. I am a morning person and this is when I usually have my best thoughts.  Right now I am thinking when you reach a cross road in your life. That part where two ways meet and you stop to decide which direction to take. Do you take the shorter road where the end destination is easily seen even though there are unforeseeable obstacles on the way? Or do you take the longer road where though you can see clearly what’s at the end of the road it will take a little longer to reach your destination?
That’s what I am thinking about this morning. HOW DO YOU SEE IT?              


  1. Hmmmm let me give this some thought. BRB (Be right back)Helen O.

  2. While some people will prefer the shorter route because it gets them there quicker. I would prefer the more scenic and longer route. Life is short enough as it is you don’t want to rush through it and miss what might have been. Cheers!:)
