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Thursday, February 28, 2013
Driver absconds with truck first day of employment
A driver with Dunami Excel Company, Niyi Omoshanu, allegedly ascended with an LT 40 pick up filled with the product of the company. The driver allegedly took off with the properties on his first day at work in the firm. Subsequent police investigation shows that every document and information that Omoshanu presented to the company were false. The company was scheduled to make a delivery, but the driver who was to make the delivery had not shown up and Omoshanu was asked to deliver the goods by the general manager, who interviewed him that morning, with the hope of verifying his contacts later.
Man commits suicide over inability to make love to his wife.
A despondent palm wine tapper, identified as Nwandu operating in Ugbolu community near Asaba, yesterday, allegedly committed suicide over his inability to satisfy his wife sexually in the last few weeks, a problem which started in early February. Reports said he has been married to his wife for seven and blessed with three beautiful children. His inability to make love to his wife resulted to constant quarrels, he killed himself after making another failed attempt to satisfy his last Thursday. He was said to have complained of stomach pains, his wife gave him tissue paper, he went into the bush and the story of his life ended. - Leadership
Augustine had a phobia for girls, he found it extremely difficult to talk to the opposite sex because of fear, against all counsel that fear is an illusion and a mirage, his phobia increased exponentially as he grew older. His friends and foes made fun of him. He woke up one glorious morning years after graduating from the University with a degree in psychology determined to end his fear, using what he called direct approach, he went on his kneels and said a little prayer to our God. He went to the park, the first two hours were the most horrible moments of his life. He was confused, tensed and sweating, then he saw the most beautiful girl he has ever come across, without knowing how, what possessed him, he was on his feet , like a remote controlled robot walking towards the girl. He chatted with her and asked for a day, she politely turned him, the end of the beginning has started. Augustine spoke with one hundred girls that everyday, one hundred girls in one single, unbearable . Moral- fear is a creation of the mind, it's self limiting, an unnecessary mountain designed to block us from achieving our dreams.
8-year old driving, hmmmmmm
Video footage of an eight- year old girl driving the family car at 100 km/h in a icy Russian road has led to police investigations. The video was posted on the internet by the girl's parents
When asked how he had been so successful in his discoveries and inventions. Thomas Edison said: "I start where other men leave off."
"we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they hard. And because that challenge is one we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, one which we intend to win" - John F Kennedy "Consult not your fears but your hopes and dreams. Think not of your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potentials. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do." - Pope John XXIII
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Struggling Farmers
According to one report, "the green revolution that boosted farm outputs around the world came at a price: millions of the world's poorest farmers in Africa became poorer," says New Scientist magazine. How so? From the late 1950's on, high -yield varieties of wheat and rice were introduced to stem the tide of an anticipated famine caused by world population boom. However, these high-yield varieties produced a grain surplus that caused prices to fail. "Farmers who could afford to plant these new varieties made for lower prices with improved yields, but those who could not lost out. In addition, the new grain varieties did not do well in African conditions because the grains were developed for cultivation in Asia and Latin America.
Wanting to Look Good
In the Austrian state of New South Wales, 2850 new cancer cases are diagnosed each year, and 340 people die of skin cancer, reports The Sydney Morning Herald. A study by Victorian Cancer Council revealed that in effort to look good, a quarter of Australia's population is actively snatching- a 10% increase in three years. Alarmingly, the researchers found more than 60% teenagers were deliberating seeking a tan, with a third of people saying it made them healthier. People believe that acquiring a tan gradually is not dangerous. However skin cancer experts say it is a great misconception to think that any sunbathing, including light tanning without burning, is safe. "A tan is a callus - it shows there is something wrong." Make una come naija, come see how we dey swim for inside sun everyday.
Danger! Sleepy Drivers
Driver fatigue or sleepiness is a widespread and serious problem worldwide, states a study reported in the Medical Journal of Australia. According to researchers, studies have attributed more than 20% of road accidents to driver sleepiness. The study report in the MJA say: " The typical fall-asleep accident involves a sole driver driving at night or in the early afternoon at relatively high speed. As with other causes of accidents, fall-asleep accidents are more common in men under 30 years. At risk of falling asleep at the wheel are people who suffer from a common sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The journal states that OSA affects about 25% of middle-aged men. People with OSA may be unaware of how close they are to falling asleep when driving.
Teacher suspended for " fat but Michelle Obama" remark
A Alabama high school teacher Bob Grisham was suspended this month for ten days without pay for a rant in which he called Michelle "fat butt Michelle Obama." A student in Grisham's class made an audio recording of the remarks, which also included derogatory comments about gays. He has been barred from teaching his class for the rest of the school year and ordered to attend sensitivity training. During a debate- type discussion about current affairs in his class, Grisham blamed the schoo's low calorie lunch offerings on "fat butt Michelle Obama." He also added "look at her, she looks like she weighs 185 or 190. She is over overweight. Grisham was suspended by the school Board. - MedHelp
Pupil dilation reveals sexual orientation
There is a popular belief that sexual orientation can be revealed by pupil dilation to attractive people, yet until now there was no scientific evidence. For the first time, researchers at Cornell University used a specialised infrared lens to measure papillary changes to participants watching erotic videos, pupils were highly telling: they widen most to videos of people who participants found attractive, thereby revealing were they were on the sexual spectrum from heterosexual to homosexual. Heterosexual men showed strong papillary responses to sexual videos of women, and little to men, heterosexual women, however, showed papillary responses to both sexes. This result confirms previous research suggesting that woman have a very different type of sexuality from men.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Bad sleep 'dramatically' alters body
A run of poor sleep can have a potentially profound effect on the body internal workings. The activity of hundreds of genes was altered when people's sleep was cut to less than six hours a day for a week. Heart disease, diabetes, obesity and poor brain function have been linked to substandard sleep. What missing hours in bed actually does to alter health, however is unknown. So researchers at the University of Surrey analysed the blood of 26 people after they had had plenty of sleep, up to 10 hours each night for a week, and compared the results with samples after a week of sleep fewer than six hours a night. More than 700 genes were altered by the shift. Each contains the instructions for building a protein, so those that became more active produced more proteins- changing the chemistry of the body. Meanwhile the natural body clock was disturbed- some genes naturally wax wane in activity through the day, but this effect was dulled by sleep deprivation. Prof Colin Smith, from the University of Surrey, told the BBC: 'There was quiet a dramatic change in activity in many different kinds of genes.' Areas such as the immune system and how the body responds to damage and stress were affected. Prof Smith added, "clearly sleep is critical to rebuilding the body and maintain a functional state, all kinds of damage appear to occur hitting at what may lead to ill health. "If we can't actually replenish and replace new cells, then that's going to lead to degenerative diseases." He said many people may be even more deprived in their daily lives than those in the study, suggesting these changes may be common. - BBC
Our values are not luxuries, but necessities- not the salt on our bread, but the bread itself- Jimmy Carter Incorporating your values into your business and living them every day without compromise will give you and your work a sense of purpose and meaning.
Explorers of old often viewed the lands they discovered as objects of conquest and exploitation, and today some men view women that way. They enjoy romantic relationships but do not want committing themselves, they try to charm women by playing on their feelings, most of them gain the affection of women through deception. "Just like someone mad that is shooting fiery missiles, arrows and death, so is the man that has tricked his fellowman and has said 'was I not having fun'?" (Proverbs 26:18, 19) Yes! They always have fun at the expense of the happiness of a fellow being, but there will be repercussions, now or later. When a man pursues a relationship with a woman for selfish reasons, she will eventually see through his motives. Then his deception could cut her to the heart. Often the fault is absolutely that of the women who whatever reason neglect all early warning signs, thinking the men will change. Some cannot differentiate between love and infatuation. Plain stupidity is also a huge problem.
Learn to listen
I like to listen, I have learned a great deal from listening carefully, most people never listen- Ernest Hemiingway Listening is very difficult for someone who is always talking. Observe what is unfolding before you, seek advice from those whose discernment you have learned to respect. Do what your gut feeling tells you to do. Once you know what you do, you must do it, whether it is difficult or not. Accepting the path you see before you, after you have reflected and "listened," will profoundly impact your life.
Food stamps.........for pets
When man falls on hard times, what will his best friend do. A donation based charity group called food stamps aims to provide food stamps for pet of low income families and for food stamp recipients who otherwise could not afford to feed their pets. Based in New York, the program is open to anyone in the United States. More than 45,000 pets have already been signed within the last two weeks, according to the program founder and executive director Marc Okon once needs and income is verified, the families receive pet food each month from Pet Food direct for a six month period.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Nigeria n coal
Nigeria was a net exporter of coal till just after the discovery of crude oil in the 1960s, today our abundant coal reserves in Enugu and Kogi states do not produce even a ton of coal. We have the 3rd largest deposit of Bitumen in the world, we do not earn a kobo from the verse deposits because of the over dependence on crude oil and lack of foresight by the federal government. Australia generates 84 percent of their electricity from coal fired power plants, in China, South Africa, and Denmark , approximately three quarters of electricity is generated from coal, The United States relies on coal for over half of its electric power. Worldwide, more than a third of the electricity produced comes from coal. Scientist estimate that one million tons of coal remain in the earth's "cellar"- enough to last hundreds of years at the present rate of consumption.
Cardinal Keith O' Brine, British's most senior Roman Catholic cleric, has resigned with immediate effect in the wake of allegations of inappropriate behavior, as pressure mounts on cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles to stay away from papal vote over allegations of covering up for priests who sexually abused children when he was the Archbishop of Los Angeles. O' Brien, who as Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh was leader of the Catholic Church in Scotland, denies allegations that he made sexual advances towards priests in the 1980s. He had been due to be the only cardinal from Britain to vote on a replacement for Pope Benedict XVI following the pontiff's shock resignation on February 11. But O' Brien confirmed that he would not now take part in next month's conclave. "I will not join them for this conclave in Rome," he said, "I do not wish media attention in Rome to be focused on me, but rather on Pope Benedict XVI and on his successor. Pope Benedict XVI accepted his resignation, when will sexual allegations stop in my Church, is celibacy the problem?
My super star friend says away and I stand watching till she fades on the horizon and someone from my side said "she is gone".....Gone where? Gone from my sight, that is all. She is just as gorgeous now as when I last saw her. Her slightly disappearing figure and total loss from my sight is in me,not in her. And just at that moment, when someone at my side says she is gone, there are others who are watching are coming over their horizon and other voices take up a glad shout- there she comes! That is what dying is- an horizon and just the limit of our sight. My lifeline, my lexicon, therapist and support system.... We have known lots of pleasure, at times endured ppai, we have lived in the sunshine and walked in the rain. - Vanguard
Tribute to Goldie- Andrew Harvey
Susan you walked into my life, it was like God sent you as a fresh breath. I still remember your response to my first love message. You said "love killed Romeo, sent Diana to an early grave and killed Jack on the on the Titanic. Forget about love, just have friendship and live long," Overtime our love grew to a dept I have never known. You were the best years of my life, your smile, your desire to live your dream.
The rich and the poor
The world's richest one percent have seen their income increased by sixty percent in the last twenty years. According to the British charity group Oxfam, 100 of the richest people earned more the 240 billion dollars in 2012, enough to end the world's extreme poverty four times over. In the mist of the economic crisis their income is the rise, in fact they are making more money. Dangote cement made a net profit of 190 billion naira in 2012.
A Virus That Should Concern Women.
Millions of women are infected wish human papilomavirus (HPV) every year- considered the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world. This infection is the primary risk factor in the development of cervical cancer. Human papilomavirus is responsible for warts in both men and women, including genital warts, called condyloma culminate. These are generally noncancerous.There over a hundred types of HPV, only a few can be carcinogenic, that is cancerous. It is only persistent infection with certain types of HPV That causes cervical cancer, most HPV infections disappear spontaneously, being overcome by the body's immune system. Risk Factors principally at risk are women who are sexually active early in life, who have multiple male sexual partners, or who are having intercourse with a male partner who has had multiple sexual partners. It is often a man with no outward symptoms who transmits the HPV infection to his mate. However, in some cases women who lead morally clean lives or perhaps have never engaged in sexual relations contract the infection. For example, some recent studies indicate that the virus can be transmitted at birth from mother to her child or that a person may be infected by a source other than the mother. The disease can become evident even many years after the person has been infected. Measures Women Wisely Take Women should have regular pap smears, they should eat a healthful diet. Such a diet would be rich in vegetables, fruit, and cereals. Some studies have suggested that consumption of carotenes, vitamins A, C, and E, and folic acid may reduce the risk of cervical cancer. - Awake
Sunday, February 24, 2013
People trafficking has become the third biggest source of income for international crime syndicates behind drugs and arms, raking an estimated 6 - 9 billion dollars per year. 17,500 people a year are trafficked into the United States, one third of these coming either or through Mexico, these are not illegal immigrants, but men, women and children who are forced or coerced by persons in slavelike conditions. - Miami Herald
Even before babies have acquired language, they exhibit a marked capacity for reacting to music, babies are able detect differences in musical tones and changes in both the tempo and the rhythm of the music. They are also able to recognize a melody even when it is played in a different key. Babies as young as two months show preference for consonant musical sounds (harmony) over discordant sounds. Two weeks before birth, fetuses recognise the difference between the theme music of (a popular) TV show, heard daily by their mothers for weeks, and a novel song - Scientific America
Its has been years since my sister passed on. I never thought I could live a day without her. I have realized that death is a brief separation and a temporary pain. I always say to myself how lucky I was to have her as a sister for tens of years, I remember how she was taking care of her family, always kind n she had a simple wish to be happy because of her joily personality. Sister, even though you've lost in this material word, your memories will always remain in our hearts forever. You are now in the hands of God with peace. I know sister that one someday we will see each other again. Goodbye sister but keep in ur mind that goodbyes are not the end- they simply mean I'll miss you, until we meet again. God bless - Fanny Vicente
"Missing some isn't about how long it has been since you last seen them, or the amount of time it's been since you talked. It is about the very moments when you are doing something and you wish they were right there with u!" "In the end, not a physical person who will be seen, not the wealth that will be weighed, but the goodness of their lives that will be remembered. "We can't forget our pains in a day, but we can heal our emotional wound by seeing it as an experience we can learn from."
Save a life
There was a story of a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a disease and needed blood from his 5 - year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies need to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the boy if he would be willing to give his sister. I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying "Yes, I'll save Liza. As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled as we all did, seeing the colour returning to his sister's cheek. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, " Will I start to die right away?" Being young , the boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to give his sister all his blood and die. He was willing to give his life for the survival of his sister. Can you beat this? - Motivational wellbeing
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Life and our struggles
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly, one day a small opeing appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to squeeze its body through the tiny hole. Then it stopped as it couldn't go further. So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snapped off the remaining bits of the cocoon, the butterfly emerged easily but it had a swollen body and shriveled wings. The man continued to watch it, expecting that any minute the wings would enlarge and expand enough to support the body, neither happened! In fact the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling, it was never able to fly. What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand: The restricting cocoon and the struggle required by the butterfly to get through the opening was a way of forcing the fluid from the body into the wings so that it be ready for flight once that was achieved. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. Going through life with no obstacles would cripple us. We will not be as strong as we could have been and we would never fly.
Moishe the carpenter, returning home with his week's wages, was accosted by an robber on a deserted street. "Take my money," said Moishe, "but do me a favour: "shoot a bullet through my hat otherwise my wife won't believe I was robbed" The robber obliged. He threw Moishe's hat into the air and put a bullet through it. "Let's make it look as if I ran into a gang of robbers," said Moishe, "otherwise my wife will see me a coward! Please shoot a number of holes through my coat." So the robber shot a number of holes through the carpenter's coat. And now...." continued Moishe. "Sorry," interrupted the robber. No more holes. I'm out of bullets." "That's all I wanted!" said Moishe. "Now hand me back my money and some more for the hat and coat that you have ruined or I'll beat u black n blue" The robber threw down the money and ran away. Moral: it's never too late to use our brains to get out of a difficult situation!! - Wonderfulinfo
Thursday, February 21, 2013
There is no such thing as a perfect Man/Woman, even if there is, who to say he/she will give perfect love
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Pope Gregory XII
Gregory XII resigned his papacy ten years into his tenure,he was elected as the catholic pontiff in the mist of the leadership crisis in the Church known as the great western schism.Three rival popes had been selected by separate factions of the Church and a group of bishops called the council of constance was trying to heal the schism.It took two years after Gregory XII'S departure to elect his successor Pope Martin V........He was the legal pope during the schism,he was unanimously elected by the cardinals in Rome,before his election all the cardinals swore that in order to end the schism he would abdicate if elected,provided his rival at Avignon pope Benedict XIII(anti pope) would do same......Gregory repeated his oat after his election and to all appearance had the intention to keep to it..........Benedict XIII was not willing to drop his claim to the throne,Gregory backed out with the help of his family......Gregory XII elevated five of his nephews to the position of cardinals after seven of his cardinals left Rome for Avignon to negotiate wish Benedict XIII'S cardinals,one of Gregory XII'S nephews later became pope Eugene IV......... His cardinals became disillusioned over his refusal to abdicate.Gregory XII resigned years later,some Vatican historians claim he was forced to abdicate ......... Catholic Encyclopedia, New York Times
Drugs did not kill Goldie, hypertension did
The Department of pathology and forensic medicine of the Lagos state university teaching hospital,in an autopsy on late Goldie Harvey, revealed that she died of 'hypertensive heart disease' which triggered "intracerebral hemorrhage".........According to Wikipedia, intracerebral hemorrhage ,(ICH) is a subtype of intracranial hemorrhage that occurs within the brain tissue itself.Intracerebral hemorrhage can be caused by brain trauma,non traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage is a spontaneous bleeding in the brain tissue.........Symptoms include a rise in intracranial pressure which causes a severe headache followed by vomiting,some patients may go into coma shortly after the symptom arise.so she did not died of drugs as speculated in some quarters.
Goldie's autopsy released
The Departmemt of pathology and forensic Medicine of the University of Lagos Teaching Hospital revealed that she died of hypertensive heart disease which triggered intracerebellar haemorrhage
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Texas woman has two sets of identical twins
Two sets of identical twins can only occur in one out of several millions...........Valetine's day brought a very special delivery to Tressa and Manuel Montalvo of Houston Texas.........The quardruplets were conceived spontaneously,withou the help of any fertility treatment (this can only happen in one out of 500,000 pregnancies),they were born at 31weeks by ceserean section.........the couple has been trying for one brother or sister for their little boy Memphis,now two years old.........At ten months,they learned she was having twins.But when the couple went in for Tressa's twelve weeks check-up, they learned she was carrying four babies.........The Montalvos have always wanted a girl and Manuel has told reporters that he'd like to keep trying even with five boys the family has now.
Diamonds worth $50m stolen at Belgium airport
Police are hunting for a gang of eight who pulled off one the largest diamonds robberies at Brussels airport, driving on to runway and hitting a security truck.........Gems worth $50m dollars were being loaded onto a Swiss aircraft bound for Zurich when the heavily armed robbers drove through the barrier...... Jan Van Der Cruysee, a Brussels airport spokesman, likened the operation to a movie "They were extremely well organised, they were very fast military wise, Hollywood style..............AL JAZEERA
Kim paid $500k for 40 seconds
The mother to be was billed to 'co host' a concert with Darey art Alade, for which tickets cost #100,000 or $640 dollars........According to local reports Kim stayed for 45 minutes making a statement for less than 43 seconds.......What in God's name is wrong with us, yes us! Do we have so much of fuel (petrol) dollars to steal and waste, that we can afford to splash millions of Naira on a lady without morals and no known talent?
Monday, February 18, 2013
Who Can You Trust?
It was a bloody weekend at Igando area of Lagos states,when a suspected kidnapper said to be operating in Delta state, attacked the Lagos home of his girl, killing her and seven others.................the kidnapper, identified as Henry stormed the home of his girl friend known as Sandra around 10 pm on Saturday, with an AK- 47 rifle and opened fire on all the occupants of the apartment, leaving Sandra, her elder sister, with her nieces and nephews dead.....Sandra's twin sister and one of the niece however survived............VANGUARD
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Pope Benedict XVI Resigns
In this photo provided by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Mons.
Franco Comaldo, a pope aide, left, looks at Pope Benedict XVI as he reads a document in Latin where he announces his resignation, during a meeting of Vatican cardinals, at the Vatican, Monday, Feb. 11, 2013. Benedict XVI announced Monday that he would resign Feb. 28 - the first pontiff to do so in nearly 600 years. The decision sets the stage for a conclave to elect a new pope before the end of March. (AP Photo/L'Osservatore Romano, ho)
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Happy Valentine's day folks!
Happy Valentine's day folks!
Remember its a day for love and it is not always just for someone you know. Reach out and express loving warmth to everyone. It could be just an expression, a smile for a stranger, a gift for the less fortunate, an action that will warm your heart. After all Valentine is all about a message of and from your hear. Have fun and have a blessed day!!! :)
Anyway those are my thoughts. Share yours
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This one is especially for 'you' |
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Grammy Awards 2013
This year's Grammy Awards Red Carpet arrivals and the Grammy itself was full of excite and the usual fashion statements. The awards was hosted by LL Cool J. Here are some of the attendees.
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Beyonce on the red carpet |
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Alicia Keys, left, and Swizz Beatz |
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Carrie Underwood one of my favorite singers of all times |
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Adele New mom an Europe's singing sensation |
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Janelle Monae in her usual unique style always one of a kind |
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Jen and Nicole Kidman |
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Rihanna and Chris Hmmm! |
Super Eagles! Now That's What I am talking about!!!!
What a come back! Wish I was there in person. It was still a great deal of fun to watch it on the tube.
I say lets do this again next time. Here are my five stars for the Eagles.
Great job !!!!!
Fashion Trends 2013
New Fashion Week released some spring and summer fashions
for 2013. Colors are definitely still in. And the male casual look is
definitely something to look at !!!
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Milano Casual Male |
Mystylegenie |
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Where Two Ways Meet
Hello folks welcome to my blog. Most of you know me as
Destiny, it has nothing to do with the fact that I like to take control of my life,
which I like to do. Destiny actually is my given name. Others know me as Osaze meaning
God’s choice. I guess someone was
thinking at my christening ah!. Anyway that’s
enough about me for now.
It is Sunday morning our time and I mean morning as in 5.00am! pretty
early wake up hour for a Sunday morning don’t you think. I am a morning person
and this is when I usually have my best thoughts. Right now I am thinking when you reach a cross
road in your life. That part where two ways meet and you stop to decide which
direction to take. Do you take the shorter road where the end destination is easily
seen even though there are unforeseeable obstacles on the way? Or do you take
the longer road where though you can see clearly what’s at the end of the road it
will take a little longer to reach your destination?
That’s what I am thinking about this morning. HOW DO YOU SEE IT?
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