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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Help your child to develop talents through play

By using common, everyday games and activities,
you can help your children be happy and
Imagine a child who is learning how to walk. He
tries and fails several times, but he doesn’t give
up. With his, “I can do it,” attitude, he keeps trying
until he succeeds. Perseverance and patience are
natural qualities built into a child’s nature. As a
child grows, however, his child-like enthusiasm,
ability to focus and motivational instinct begin to
disappear. As your child’s parent or tutor, you
need to keep your children from giving up on their
dreams. You must keep them from losing interest
in the things they love to do.
Many people, from Thomas A. Edison to Bill Gates,
never gave up on the things they loved to do. They
kept working at their dreams until they achieved
what they were striving for. Although you may not
have the qualities that you want to teach your kids
yet, you can still work with your kids. You can
help your child and yourself learn that success is
the result of persistent passion.
With this goal in mind, I have listed 10 crucial
talents and abilities that your child should develop
as he plays and grows, day by day.
1. Reality
When, as things get more difficult, a child may
quit. A pattern of quitting makes it difficult to
overcome his own future obstacles. One of the
most effective methods to fight hopelessness, at
whatever age, is the, “I can and I will,” attitude.
Encourage your child to play with things that he
likes. By doing this, he will learn how to solve
2. Emotional intelligence
Make sure your child plays with toys that stimulate
her imagination and that stretch her limits. Ensure
that she plays games that are appropriate for, or
just above, her age group — not below it. As you
do this, she will be developing her abilities. She
needs to experience both victory and defeat, so
she can learn to tolerate frustrations. Be sure to
validate her feelings and interests.
3. Perseverance
Praise your child when he is successful and help
him deal with the pain of failure. You can tell him
stories of people who never gave up, like Einstein.
If your child is younger, have the characters in
your stories be animals. Most importantly, be sure
to show your child that YOU never give up.
Encourage your child's enthusiasm.
4. Positive attitude
Your child learns from you how to deal with the
daily deceptions and difficulties that fill our lives,
such as the frustrations of work or traffic jams.
What you say or do during these times are not as
important as the way you feel. Your child is
sensitive enough to know whether you are feeling
depressed or determined. She will learn to react to
similar problems by watching you. Therefore, if
you want your child to have qualities like
determination, courage, perseverance, patience or
any other good quality, you need to develop these
qualities in yourself first.
5. Courage and curiosity
Curiosity develops talent. Motivate your child to
participate in different types of activities and help
him develop several interests. Talents may not
come in early childhood, but it is important that he
learns to not only choose the things he likes to do
most but he also needs to learn to explore many
different types of activities, games and toys. Take
him to a museum, an EXPO, a sports event or a
musical concert. Have your child meet your
extended family, look up his heritage and learn to
help around the house. Concentrate in the areas
that he identifies with most, and let him explore
the things that he most wants to learn. The
amount of time you spend with your child will
benefit generations to come.
6. Work the system
If your child shows interest in a particular area,
like music for example, the optimal age for him to
expand his talents is between 3 and 10 years old.
This timeframe aside, a child can still develop a
talent at any age that he shows desire and an
attitude ready to learn. As he learns, be sure he
understands that to develop a talent well, he will
need to practice and work hard to succeed. As
your child learns this, he will also learn that
anything is possible so long as he works hard at
it. Take pictures and document his progress. As
he sees the results of his hard work, he will
become more excited and work even harder toward
his goals.
7. Individuality
Proper development of a talent requires education.
However, too many extra-curricular activities can
hurt your child’s individuality instead of building it.
Each child is unique. Allowing your child the
confidence to develop whichever talent he chooses
and perform any activity he enjoys is a central
priority. Forget yourself and be surprised by the
power of your child’s true personality.
8. Character
As you work with your child to develop his
character and gain the necessary skills and
qualities for success, you will also be building
your own character. Relationships with other
children are essential, and your child needs to
learn that it is more important to be recognized for
who he is than for the things he can do. That way,
he will learn to be humble while working hard to
become a better person. Encourage emotional
9. Humility
While honing and developing talents, including
physical talents, a spiritual side should also
develop. Be sure that your child understands that
the talents and skills she learns are divine gifts.
10. Happiness
As your child develops his talents, is successful,
recognizes that his talents are divine gifts, is
grateful for each of his divine gifts and recognizes
his true potential, he will be gaining true
experience, which will be useful for the rest of his
life. But remember, happiness without gratitude
will not last.
Helping a child discover her talents as she grows
gives her an opportunity to choose. She gains the
liberty and encouragement to express her
individuality. She will make good decisions early
on, even as she takes her first steps or plays
innocently with others.

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